
EUt+ prepares three new joint degrees and creates research support offices


The construction of the European University of Technology (EUt+) is progressing. The rectors of the eight universities, meeting this week at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), today signed several agreements to promote research and joint studies. The documents signed include the creation of new joint degrees that will allow students to study different semesters in the eight campuses, a European office for innovation and technology transfer, and the criteria to be met by the next European research institutes. 

The week of work of the consortium of European polytechnics concludes in Cartagena with new advances in research with the creation of an office to help researchers that will increase the attraction of European funds in competitive calls , and an office for innovation and transfer to companies and  the society in general of the R+D+i generated in the polytechnics of Cartagena (Spain), Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Darmstadt (Germany), Dublin (Ireland), Limassol (Cyprus), Riga (Latvia), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Troyes (France). 

Finally, they have also agreed to launch a new wave of joint degrees in Architecture, Industrial Engineering and Food Science and Technology, in addition to those already underway in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering, studies in which students will be able to study each term at a different European University of Technology campus. 

The aim of the EUt+ alliance, sponsored by the European Union, is to create a sustainable future for students from European countries, for the staff of each of the institutions and for the territories and regions in which each of the campuses is located. UPCT joined this university consortium in 2020. Currently, a team of more than 70 people from UPCT are working on the different EUt+ work packages.

